torsdag 19 mars 2015

Jag är Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Jag är Zlatan Ibrahimovic
This book is about a soccer player named Zlatan Ibrahimovic who have probably heard about before. This book is mostly about his childhood and the first clubs he played in. Zlatan lived with his mom and her farm. He had and still has two sisters. He played on a gravel field near by his moms farm. He would practice everything there. The first club he played in was Malmö FF and followed by Ajax, Milan, Juventus, Barcelona and last Paris Saint Germain.
Reflections about my book
I get surprised when I read this because now I think that Zlatan is a nice person but in the book about his childhood and his first couple clubs. But I definitely recommend this book to everyone that play soccer even the people that don’t play soccer.

By Maximus 07/03-2014

måndag 16 mars 2015

Glasbarnen, book review

Glasbarnen is a horror book by a woman called Kristina Ohlsson. It’s about a ten year old girl called Billie. Her father died so her mother decided to move to an old town were her mom grew up. They bought an old blue house in Åhus that her mom loves, but Billie hates it and wants to move back to the city. Billie thinks that the house is haunted.
I give this book an 8/10        
There are two following books called: The Silver Boy and The Stone Angels
By Seán 5B

Allegiant, book review

Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Allegiant is the third book in the Divergent trilogy. It is about a 16- year old girl called Tris (full name Tris prior), and her boyfriend Four. Tris once believed in a society with factions, that society is shattered. When given the chance to explore the “outside world” Tris does not hesitate. She and Four hope for a way to get a new and simple life, a life that has not been fractured by violence, loss and betrayal.

However when Tris and Four get outside the fence they are let down by yet even more violence, and the terrible truth. But when a short but tribal rebellion breaks out Tris and Four see that what they hoped to be there new life, has turned into something much worse. Now Tris must make the final and terrible decision.


I think that it was a very inspiring book about life. It is a really heart-breaking story, but it also brings out the joy and sadness of life. I think it is a really good story, and would recommend it to others however it would be really hard to understand anything if you have not read the previous books Divergent and Insurgent.


In my opinion this book from 1-5 (5 being the best and 1 being pour) would be rate a 4. The reason I rate it a 4 is because I think it is extremely sad but one of the best books ever.

Wilma 5B

book review: Klaras egen seger

Klaras egen seger

Klaras egen seger is about a girl called Klara and her friends Lisa, Jonte and Peter. They all have there own horses and they all love to hang out. Klara’s mom and Lisa’s dad get married and go away on there honeymoon. While they are away then Klara and here friends have a competition on who can finish the jumping course the quickest. When it’s Klara’s turn to ride then a accident happens. Her horse Star gets scared of a moose and some weird noises in the woods so he starts to gallop the way he came from with Klara terrified in the saddle. Klara falls of the saddle with one foot stuck and the other flapping about in the air.

Klara gets sent to the hospital in an ambulance. She had hurt her foot and couldn’t ride for a while. When her foot gets better then she tries to ride again. As soon as she to tries jump up in the saddle then the accident pops in her head and she refuses to ride. The same thing occurs many times again. After a while her friend Peter tries to convince her to let him train her so she will get over her fear. On the trainings with Peter she builds up her confidence and conquers her fear in time for the big competition. On the competition she sees a girl who has the same accident like she did only that she manages to stop the horse, get up and keep on riding. Klara gets ready for start and finishes the course. At the end of the day she doesn’t care which place she comes in as long as she knows that there are more chances to win.

I thought that the book was a good book because it was exiting and fun. One thing about this book is that it is about something I like and love which is horses.
I would definitely recommend this book (mostly to people that like horses).
My ranking of this book is 3,5 stars just because it was a good book but not the worlds best one.

by Emma 5B

the Parent agency

The Parent Agency by David Baddiel
Review by Felix 5B

the Hunger Games

The Hunger Games
paragraph 1
Author: Suzanne Collins
The Hunger games is set in the future and is about a girl named Katniss and a boy named Peeta. Every year 1 girl and 1 boy are chosen from each district to be tributes in The Hunger Games, where there is only one survivor. The tributes are chosen by a lottery. Katnis's sister Prim gets picked, but Katniss offered to take her place instead. Katniss and Peeta practice fighting on a special train where they get delicious food and even their own stylists. After the opening Ceremony. The tributes show what they can do and the judges give them points from 1 to 12. Now the games begin for real.

I think the Hunger Games is a really good book, it has a lot of detail and really described things. From 1 to 10 I would give it a 10 because it feels like it has really happened. When you start reading it it's hard to stop, it's funny but still a bit creepy in some places. I would really recommend this book to someone who has not read it. It takes a while to finish the book but its worth it.

By: Molly

Book review Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods

Percy jackson and the greek gods
book report
By rick riordan

This book is about Percy Jackson writing a book about about the Greek gods. In the book he kind of takes you through the book. He also talks about that simalar things that happen in other relgions such as there was a story that kind of reminded me of Noah's ark. He talks about all of the major greek gods so you learn a lot of stuff about the greek gods. I like the book because of the way the author gets me into the book. I like the book just that it is a specific type of book

torsdag 12 februari 2015

bokrecension: Lyckokakan av Hahn Lundberg

Lyckokan av Hahn Lundberg

Jag har läst en fantastisk bok som är skriven av författaren Hahn Lundberg. Boken heter Lyckokakan och är en sådan speciell bok som gör att man vill läsa mer och verkligen lever sig in i boken.

Den handlar om en pojke som heter Oskar som vill finna den rätta lyckan med hjälp av lyckokakor. Oskar tycker att han har världens pinsammaste föräldrar som alltid skämmer ut honom. En dag får han en lyckokaka och på den står det:  Uttala din högsta önskan så blir den sann. Oskar visste precis vad han ville önska men han råkade säga fel när han skulle uttala sin önskan och då börjar äventyret för att hitta en likadan lyckokaka så att han kan uttala den rätta önskan.

Boken innehåller mycket humor som ger läsaren skratt och glada miner men också också romantik. Man får följa med Oskar i olika situationer, när han är i skolan, hos sin mormor som har svårt att höra och när han är vid restaurangen som han fick kakan ifrån.

Boken är bra och man kan läsa den när som helst. Jag tycker den passar barn på mellanstadiet och då till både killar och tjejer.
Läs den!
Kate 6a

måndag 17 november 2014

Book covers

In the pre-school class, we have spoken about book titles and covers. Here are some samples of what the children have come up with. Lovely, don't you think?!!!


Välkommen till Johannes skolas bokblogg! Här kan du läsa våra elevers recensioner av böcker de läst!